Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is an innovative treatment that stimulates the body’s natural healing process using the patient’s own biology to promote accelerated healing

How does Alocuro PRP medical devices compare with other PRP kits?

Superior PRP Efficiency
Alocuro’s PRP device and preparation protocol has demonstrated outstanding performance in extracting, separating, and collecting PRP from patient’s blood with documented platelet concentration of up to a multiple of 12.8x platelet concentration above baseline level, and a platelet recovery efficiency of 90-95%. This efficiency is significantly superior to other manual preparation PRP kits currently available in Australia.
Skin Rejuvenation and Hair Restoration
Alocuro PRO-PRP for facial rejuvenation:
- is a safe, effective, and non-surgical treatment that stimulates the body’s natural healing process
- maximises extraction of a high concentration of the patient’s own platelets and growth factors essential for tissue regeneration and accelerated healing
- is a proven treatment to repair and rejuvenate your skin at the cellular level
- is innovative, patented technology to Promote accelerated rejuvenation to help reverse the signs of ageing and minimize wrinkles, scarring, and thin skin
- uses the patient’s own cells to refresh the complexion and provide overall improvement in the elasticity, colour and quality of the skin

As the procedure uses the patient’s own blood, metaphorically it has been referred to as the “Vampire Facelift” or Dracula therapy. However the type of ‘vampire facelift or facial’ made famous by Kim Kardashian and supermodel Bar Rafaeli is quite different to the technique performed for Alocuro PRO-PRP therapy. The Alocuro protocol is far less invasive, and patients do not have a ‘bloody’ face at the conclusion of the procedure. Many celebrities, including Angelina Jolie, have been reported to use PRP injections to maintain a youthful complexion. In hair restoration, PRP will be injected into the scalp. The application of PRP causes miniaturized hair follicles to become healthier and larger, producing more robust hair growth. PRP activates follicular progenitor cells (adult stem cells) and promotes angiogenesis and localised cell growth. Effective for both male and female pattern hair loss, PRP has also regrown hair in alopecia area, eyebrow hypotrichosis and other patient cases with non-hereditary hair loss.

- MON – FRI: 9:30AM – 5PM
- SAT: 9:30AM – 4PM